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Santa Cruz Personal Injury AttorneyWatsonville Personal Injury AttorneyScotts Valley Personal Injury Attorney
Capitola Personal Injury Attorney

Landis Law Firm
Santa Cruz California Personal Injury Attorney
Santa Cruz Attorney Christopher Landis is dedicated to recover maximum compensation for the medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering incurred by the victims of car crashes, dog bites, falls and other accidents.
1414 Soquel Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
CSFW Personal Injury Law Firm
Santa Cruz California Personal Injury Attorneys
Cartwright, Scruggs, Fulton, Walther, personal injury attorneys serving Santa Cruz, Monterey and Sen Benito. Santa Cruz County's most experienced and largest personal injury law firm. Hablamos Espanol.
340 Soquel Ave, Suite 215
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Santa Cruz CA Personal Injury Lawyer
Representation in the areas of estate planning, estate and probate litigation, real property transactions and litigation, and civil litigation to clients in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Clara counties.
1200 Pacific Avenue, Suite 260
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

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