James Folsom 1215 N. King Street Wilmington, DE 19801
Show Phone NumberPhone: 302-658-8982 Alt. Phone: 302-984-1821 Fax: 301 658-8987
James Folsom: Attorney & Author
As the title says, I am determined to provide my clien ts with uncompromising aggressive professional legal representation. While I only practice in a few areas of law, mainly those cases where trial is a real possibility, I feel that aggressiveness is the one key element in providing effective legal services. In those legal disputes the other side is always focused on obtaining all of their objectives, which are usually to your detriment. Thus, your best defense is a strong aggressive offense. According, I combine my knowledge, experience, and resources with the aggressiveness needed to produce the best possible results.
Wilmington Delaware Personal Injury Lawyer