Atlanta Lawyer Group - Pastor, P.C.
Our law firm represents individuals throughout Georgia. Our goal on our Personal Injury Website is to be informative and assist you in learning more about avoidable tragedies such as auto accidents and car accidents and what can be done about it. Nevertheless, we caution all of our welcomed visitors that no information on the internet, or on this website, can or should take the place of a detailed review of Your particular situation with a qualified experienced attorney.
Our mission is to provide the high quality legal services to each and every client. We sincerely care about our clients and the results we achieve on their behalf.
Your health and medical injuries must be addressed first. You should be examined by the best doctors for any injury. You decide which doctors you want to see anywhere in Atlanta or Georgia for your injuries -- even go out of state if you feel you need to.
A lawyer can later help you demand that you be paid for your injuries. However, you must have first taken care of yourself by having obtained a good medical exam at or very close to the time of your initial injuries. If you don’t do this, you risk your health. You also risk that a doctor will later be unable to say, with a reasonable degree of medical certainty, whether the accident in issue caused your injuries. For all these reasons, get good medical attention for any and all injuries.
Contact Information for the Atlanta Lawyer Group:
1401 Peachtree St., N.E., Suite 240
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
404-607-7100 Office
404-607-7121 Fax
Or click here.
Atlanta GA Peraonal Injury Law Firm.