Chancellor law
Please contact Attorney Chancellor at the earliest moment regarding your potential claim. Time is of the essense in recovering maximum results with personal injury cases. Don't wait and realize that the attorney doesn't get paid unless there is a successful claim made on your behalf. Attorney Chancellor will meet you at your home, in his office, at the hospital or wherever it is that you reqeust. Act now!
Massachusetts State and Federal Practice
Attorney Chancellor represents a diverse cross section of clients in litigation matters. Whether it is a divorce matter of an executive or representing a victim of sexual abuse, or any other matter he represents his clients with their best interest in mind. His office practices in the state and federal court systems.
He has handled civil rights matters that amounted to police misconduct, established strategic plans for executives facing contentious divorces, quickly resolved civil disputes with strong negotiation skills, and represented defendants in criminal trials. He is skilled at finding a quick resolve to personal injury cases through well prepared packaging of demand letters to insurance adjusters. He has settled clients' cases without having to file suit in court.
His diverse background from military, law enforcement, corporate headquarters executive hiring/development/ compensation, and trial experience has provided him with the personality skills to make his client's feel comfortable, and well represented. He answers his clients' calls personally and rarely will it take more than a few hours for him to return their calls.
Attorney Chancellor chooses which cases to take in a way that allows him the ability to meet all of his client's needs in a timely manner and he strives to meet their needs with excellence in mind. Please click on the tabs above to have a more specific representation of the different areas of the law in which Attorney Chancellor practices.
Please Call : 617-725-2675
Please Call : 617-725-2675
Boston MA Personal Injury Lawyer